Oracle RAC 용 점검 스크립트
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Log 파일은 sqlplus를 접속한 디렉토리에 생성됩니다.
set feedback off set timing off set head off clear columns; column output new_value inst_name col output for a16 column timecol new_value today column spool_extension new_value suffix col timecol for a8 select value || '_' output from v$parameter where name = 'instance_name'; select to_char(sysdate,'YYYYMMDD') timecol,'.log' spool_extension from sys.dual; set line 250 set pages 2000 set trimspool on set head on spool check_&&inst_name&&today&&suffix PROMPT PROMPT ============================================================================ PROMPT = = PROMPT = STATUS CHECK SCRIPT Ver.3.0 = PROMPT = = PROMPT = Made by - Rastalion = PROMPT = Create date. 2013/10/11 = PROMPT = Modify date. 2018/06/18 = PROMPT = = PROMPT ============================================================================ set head off set feedback off select * from v$version; set head on col VERSION for a12 col COMP_NAME for a40 col SCHEMA for a12 col status for a13 select COMP_NAME ,VERSION ,SCHEMA, STATUS from dba_registry / PROMPT PROMPT pause ... please press enter key .... PROMPT PROMPT PROMPT =============================================================== PROMPT = 0. Database Infomation = PROMPT = 0.1 DB Infomation = PROMPT = 0.2 STARTUP Time = PROMPT = 0.3 IP Address = PROMPT = 0.4 NLS Character Set = PROMPT =============================================================== PROMPT PROMPT PROMPT 0.1 DB Infomation PROMPT =============================================================== set feedback off col dbname NEW_VALUE dbname col now NEW_VALUE today col month NEW_VALUE month col instance NEW_VALUE instance col thread NEW_VALUE thread_number col thread for 999 col instance for a14 col dbname for a14 col host_name for a16 col platform_name for a30 HEADING 'PLARFORM' col version for a10 col log_mode for a16 SELECT distinct b.thread# thread ,b.instance_name instance , dbname ,b.host_name ,a.platform_name ,b.version ,a.log_mode -- ,b.parallel -- ,b.archiver -- ,TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'YYYY-MM-DD') now -- ,TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'YYYY-MM') month -- ,a.log_mode FROM gv$database a ,gv$instance b order by 1 / PROMPT PROMPT === Archive log === archive log list; PROMPT PROMPT pause ... please press enter key .... PROMPT PROMPT PROMPT PROMPT PROMPT 0.2 Database Startup Time PROMPT =============================================================== set head off select to_char(startup_time, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') "Startup time" from v$instance; PROMPT PROMPT PROMPT 0.3 IP Address PROMPT =============================================================== col "IP Address" for a40 select utl_inaddr.get_host_address() "IP Address" from dual / PROMPT PROMPT PROMPT 0.4 Character Set PROMPT =============================================================== col PARAMETER for a30 col "CharacterSET" for a30 set head on SELECT PARAMETER, VALUE "CharacterSET" FROM V$NLS_PARAMETERS where parameter in ('NLS_CHARACTERSET','NLS_NCHAR_CHARACTERSET') / PROMPT PROMPT PROMPT PROMPT =============================================================== PROMPT = 1. SGA = PROMPT = 1.1 SGA Total Size (MB) = PROMPT = 1.2 Shared Pool and Buffer Cache (MB) = PROMPT = 1.4 Redo Log Buffer Size (MB) = PROMPT =============================================================== PROMPT PROMPT PROMPT 1.1 SGA PROMPT =============================================================== set head on col "Node" for 999 col "SGA Parameter" for a24 col "Size (MB)" for a10 select INST_ID "Node", NAME "SGA Parameter", to_char(round(VALUE/1024/2014,2),'99,999.99') "Size (MB)" from gv$parameter where name like 'sga_%' order by 1 / col "Node" for 999 col "SGA Size(MB)" for a40 select INST_ID "Node", 'SGA Used Total Size: '||TO_CHAR(round(sum(bytes)/1024/1024,2),'999,999.99')||' MB' as "SGA Size(MB)" from gv$sgastat group by INST_ID order by 1 / PROMPT PROMPT PROMPT 1.2 Shared Pool and Buffer Cache (MB) PROMPT =============================================================== col name FORMAT a15 HEADING 'Name' col pool FORMAT a15 HEADING 'Pool Name' col tbytes FORMAT 999,999,999.99 HEADING 'Total Size(MB)' col ubytes FORMAT 999,999,999.99 HEADING 'Used Size(MB)' col usedp FORMAT a8 HEADING 'Used(%)' col fbytes FORMAT 999,999,999.99 HEADING 'Free Size(MB)' col freep FORMAT a8 HEADING 'Free(%)' PROMPT PROMPT = Node 1 SELECT a.pool AS pool, a.tbytes/1024/1024 AS tbytes ,(a.tbytes-b.fbytes)/1024/1024 AS ubytes ,b.fbytes/1024/1024 AS fbytes ,ROUND((((a.tbytes-b.fbytes)/a.tbytes)*100),2)||'%' AS usedp ,ROUND(((b.fbytes/a.tbytes)*100),2)||'%' AS freep FROM (SELECT pool ,SUM(bytes) AS tbytes FROM gv$sgastat WHERE pool='shared pool' AND INST_ID='1' GROUP BY pool) a ,(SELECT pool ,bytes AS fbytes FROM gv$sgastat WHERE pool='shared pool' AND name='free memory' AND INST_ID='1') b WHERE a.pool='shared pool' union all SELECT AS name ,SUM(a.bytes)/1024/1024 AS tbytes ,SUM(b.ubytes)/1024/1024 AS ubytes ,SUM(a.bytes-b.ubytes)/1024/1024 AS fbytes ,ROUND(SUM(b.ubytes)/SUM(a.bytes)*100,2)||'%' AS usedp ,ROUND(SUM((a.bytes-b.ubytes)/a.bytes)*100,2)||'%' AS freep FROM gv$sgastat a ,(SELECT COUNT(1)*8192 AS ubytes FROM v$bh) b WHERE'buffer_cache' AND a.INST_ID='1' GROUP BY / PROMPT PROMPT = Node 2 SELECT a.pool AS pool, a.tbytes/1024/1024 AS tbytes ,(a.tbytes-b.fbytes)/1024/1024 AS ubytes ,b.fbytes/1024/1024 AS fbytes ,ROUND((((a.tbytes-b.fbytes)/a.tbytes)*100),2)||'%' AS usedp ,ROUND(((b.fbytes/a.tbytes)*100),2)||'%' AS freep FROM (SELECT pool ,SUM(bytes) AS tbytes FROM gv$sgastat WHERE pool='shared pool' AND INST_ID='2' GROUP BY pool) a ,(SELECT pool ,bytes AS fbytes FROM gv$sgastat WHERE pool='shared pool' AND name='free memory' AND INST_ID='2') b WHERE a.pool='shared pool' union all SELECT AS name ,SUM(a.bytes)/1024/1024 AS tbytes ,SUM(b.ubytes)/1024/1024 AS ubytes ,SUM(a.bytes-b.ubytes)/1024/1024 AS fbytes ,ROUND(SUM(b.ubytes)/SUM(a.bytes)*100,2)||'%' AS usedp ,ROUND(SUM((a.bytes-b.ubytes)/a.bytes)*100,2)||'%' AS freep FROM gv$sgastat a ,(SELECT COUNT(1)*8192 AS ubytes FROM v$bh) b WHERE'buffer_cache' AND a.INST_ID='2' GROUP BY / PROMPT PROMPT PROMPT 1.3 Redo Log Buffer Size (MB) PROMPT =============================================================== col name FORMAT a15 HEADING 'Buffer Name' col bytes FORMAT 999,999,999.99 HEADING 'Size(MB)' SELECT INST_ID "Node", name, SUM(bytes)/1024/1024 AS bytes FROM gv$sgastat WHERE name='log_buffer' GROUP BY INST_ID, name order by 1 / PROMPT PROMPT PROMPT PROMPT =============================================================== PROMPT = 2. Memory Allocation = PROMPT = 2.1 Library Cache Miss Ratio = PROMPT = 2.2 Data Dictionary Miss Ratio = PROMPT = 2.3 Database Buffer Cache Hit Ratio = PROMPT = 2.4 Redo Buffer Space Wait Ratio = PROMPT =============================================================== PROMPT PROMPT PROMPT 2.1 Library Cache Miss Ratio PROMPT =============================================================== col missratio FORMAT a36 HEADING 'Library Cache Miss Ratio|(If > 1%, increase SHARED_POOL_SIZE)' select INST_ID "Node",to_char(trunc(sum(reloads)/sum(pins)*100,2))||' %' missratio, SUM(PINS) "EXECUTIONS",SUM(RELOADS) "CACHE MISSES WHILE EXECUTING" from gv$librarycache GROUP BY INST_ID order by 1; PROMPT PROMPT PROMPT 2.2 Data Dictionary Cache Hit Ratio and Miss Ratio PROMPT =============================================================== col missratio FORMAT a38 HEADING 'Data Dictionary Cache Miss Ratio|(If > 9.8%, increase SHARED_POOL_SIZE)' col hitratio FORMAT a37 HEADING 'Data Dictionary Cache Hit Ratio|(If < 90%, increase SHARED_POOL_SIZE)' select INST_ID "Node", trunc(sum(getmisses)/sum(gets)*100,2)||' %' AS missratio ,TRUNC((1-(SUM(getmisses)/SUM(gets)))*100,2)||'%' AS hitratio from gv$rowcache GROUP BY INST_ID order by 1 ; PROMPT PROMPT PROMPT 2.3 Database Buffer Cache Hit Ratio PROMPT =============================================================== COL bcache for a40 HEADING 'Database Buffer Cache Hit Ratio|(If < 70%, increase DB_CACHE_SIZE)' select s1.inst_id, to_char(100-(s3.value / (s1.value + s2.value)),'999.99')||' %' bcache from gv$sysstat s1, gv$sysstat s2, gv$sysstat s3 where = 'consistent gets from cache' and = 'db block gets from cache' and = 'physical reads cache' and s1.inst_id = s2.inst_id and s1.inst_id = s3.inst_id order by s1.inst_id / PROMPT PROMPT PROMPT 2.4 Redo Buffer Space Wait Ratio PROMPT =============================================================== select round(sum(decode(name, 'redo buffer allocation retries', value))/sum(decode(name, 'redo entries', value)),5) "Redo Buffer Space Wait(%)", sum(decode(name, 'redo log space requests', value)) "Redo Space Reqeusts" from gv$sysstat / PROMPT PROMPT PROMPT PROMPT =============================================================== PROMPT = 3. PGA = PROMPT = 3.1 PGA, UGA Usage (MB) = PROMPT = 3.2 Session Check = PROMPT = 3.3 Currnet Session List = PROMPT = 3.4 PGA Usage per Client (MB) = PROMPT =============================================================== PROMPT PROMPT PROMPT 3.1 PGA, UGA Usage PROMPT =============================================================== col sum for a40 HEADING 'PGA, UGA session memory'; col uga_sum for a12; col pga_sum for a12; select a.INST_ID "Node",'Current PGA, UGA session memory SUM:' as sum, sum(decode(, 'session pga memory', trunc(value/1024/1024,2))) ||' MB' pga_sum, sum(decode(, 'session uga memory', trunc(value/1024/1024,2))) ||' MB' uga_sum from gv$session a, gv$sesstat b, gv$statname c where a.sid = b.sid and b.statistic# = c.statistic# and like 'session%' group by a.INST_ID / PROMPT PROMPT PROMPT 3.2 Session Check PROMPT =============================================================== col data for a55 HEADING 'Session Current Session / Max Value / Limit Value'; select INST_ID "Node", 'CURRENT / MAX / LIMIT: '|| CURRENT_UTILIZATION||' / '||MAX_UTILIZATION||' / '||to_number(INITIAL_ALLOCATION)||' ' as "data" from GV$RESOURCE_LIMIT where RESOURCE_NAME = 'sessions' group by INST_ID, CURRENT_UTILIZATION, MAX_UTILIZATION, INITIAL_ALLOCATION order by 1 / PROMPT PROMPT PROMPT 3.3 Currnet Session List PROMPT =============================================================== col username for a12 col "Client Name" for a30 col osuser for a10 col program for a35 col con for 999 HEADING 'Session'; select distinct inst_id "Node", username, osuser,program,count(1) as con,count(decode(status, 'ACTIVE',1) ) "Active Sessions", machine "Client Name" from gv$session where username is not null and username not in ('SYS','SYSTEM') group by inst_id,username,machine,osuser,program order by inst_id,username,machine,osuser,program / PROMPT PROMPT PROMPT 3.4 PGA Usage per Client (MB) PROMPT =============================================================== select machine "Client Name",status,count(*) "Session CNT", round(sum(pga_used_mem)/1024/1024) "PGA Total(MB)", round(sum(pga_used_mem)/count(*)/1024/1024) "PGA per Client(MB)" from gv$session s, gv$process p where 1=1 --and s.status='active' and s.paddr=p.addr and type <> 'BACKGROUND' group by machine,status order by 1 / PROMPT PROMPT PROMPT PROMPT =============================================================== PROMPT = 4. Datafile and Tablespace = PROMPT = 4.0 ASM Status (GB) = PROMPT = 4.1 Datafile Size(GB) = PROMPT = 4.2 Tablespace usage = PROMPT = 4.3 Temp Tablespace usage = PROMPT = 4.4 Datafile Stat = PROMPT = 4.5 Disk Physical I/O = PROMPT = 4.6 Internal and External Sort = PROMPT = 4.7 UNDO Segments Wait Ratio = PROMPT =============================================================== set feedback off set head on PROMPT PROMPT PROMPT 4.0 ASM Status (GB) PROMPT =============================================================== --PROMPT This DB is not ASM col name format a10 col USABLE_FILE_GB format 999,999.00 col TOTAL_GB format 999,999.00 col FREE_GB format 999,999.00 col USABLE_CALC_GB format 999,999.00 select group_number "Group#", name, total_mb/1024 TOTAL_GB, round((total_mb - USABLE_FILE_MB)/1024,2) USED_GB, USABLE_FILE_MB/1024 USABLE_FILE_GB, free_mb/1024 FREE_GB, 100-round(free_mb/total_mb*100) "usgae(%)", ((FREE_MB - REQUIRED_MIRROR_FREE_MB))/1024 USABLE_CALC_GB, type, state from v$asm_diskgroup; PROMPT PROMPT PROMPT 4.1 Datafile Size(GB) PROMPT =============================================================== col data_files_sum for 999,999,999,999.99 col free_space_sum for 999,999,999,999.99 col extents for 999,999,999,999.99 col tbs for a60 HEADING "Used / Total (Free) (GB)" select 'TBS Size: '||(data_files_sum - free_space_sum) || ' GB / '|| data_files_sum || ' GB (free '|| free_space_sum || ' GB)' AS tbs from (select round(sum(bytes)/1024/1024/1024,2) data_files_sum from dba_data_files), (select round(sum(bytes)/1024/1024/1024,2) free_space_sum from dba_free_space) / PROMPT PROMPT PROMPT 4.2 Tablespace usage PROMPT =============================================================== COL Tablespace for a30 select DISTINCT df.tablespace_name "Tablespace", round(df.TBS_byte /1048576,2) "Total(MB)", round(fs.Free_byte /1048576,2) "Free(MB)", round(((df.TBS_byte - fs.Free_byte)/df.TBS_byte) *100,0) "Used(%)", db.autoextensible --,round((df.TBS_byte - fs.Free_byte)/1048576,2) "Used(MB)", --round((fs.Free_byte/df.TBS_byte)*100,0) "Free(%)" from ( select tablespace_name, sum(bytes) TBS_byte from dba_data_files group by tablespace_name ) df, ( select tablespace_name, max(bytes) Max_free, sum(bytes) Free_byte from dba_free_space group by tablespace_name ) fs, dba_data_files db where df.tablespace_name = fs.tablespace_name and df.tablespace_name = db.tablespace_name order by 1 / PROMPT PROMPT PROMPT 4.3 Temp Tablespace usage PROMPT =============================================================== col "File Name" for a40 col "Tablespace" for a10 col "File#" for 99 col "Rel.File#" for 99 col status for a9 col "Size(MB)" for a12 col "AutoExt." for a8 col "Increment(MB)" for a13 select file_id "File#", relative_fno "Rel.File#", a.tablespace_name "Tablespace", file_name "File Name", to_char(round(bytes/1048576),'999,999.99') "Size(MB)", decode(autoextensible,'NO','n/a',to_char(increment_by*block_size/1024/1024)) "Increment(MB)", status "Status", autoextensible "Auto Ext." from dba_temp_files a, (select tablespace_name,block_size from dba_tablespaces) b where a.tablespace_name=b.tablespace_name order by 1,2; PROMPT PROMPT PROMPT 4.4 Datafile Stat PROMPT =============================================================== set feedback on col Tablespace for a20 col LOCATION for a56 col ON_STAT for a8 col status for a10 col "Used Size(MB)" for a15 col "Free (%)" for a9 col aut for a3 select tablespace_name "Tablespace", file_name "LOCATION", to_char(bytes/1024/1024,'999,999.99') "Used Size(MB)",to_char(((maxbytes-bytes)/maxbytes)*100,'999.99')||' %' "Free %", autoextensible "AUT" from dba_data_files where autoextensible = 'YES' order by 4 ASC / set feedback off PROMPT PROMPT PROMPT 4.5 Disk Physical I/O PROMPT =============================================================== CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW tot_read_writes AS SELECT SUM(phyrds) phys_reads ,SUM(phywrts) phys_wrts FROM v$filestat / col tablespace_name FORMAT a20 HEADING 'Tablespace' col name FORMAT a56 HEADING 'Datafile' col read_pct FORMAT 999.99 HEADING 'Reads%' col wrts_pct FORMAT 999.99 HEADING 'Writes%' SELECT tablespace_name ,name ,phyrds*100/trw.phys_reads read_pct ,phywrts*100/trw.phys_wrts wrts_pct -- ,phyrds -- ,phywrts FROM v$datafile df ,v$filestat fs ,tot_read_writes trw ,dba_data_files ts WHERE df.file#=fs.file# AND df.file#=ts.file_id ORDER BY 1 / DROP VIEW tot_read_writes / PROMPT PROMPT PROMPT 4.6 Internal and External Sort PROMPT =============================================================== col disksortratio FORMAT a36 HEADING 'Disk Sort Ratio|(If higher, increase SORT_AREA_SIZE)' col disksorts FORMAT 999,999,999,999 HEADING 'Disk Sorts' col memorysorts FORMAT 999,999,999,999 HEADING 'Memory Sorts' col rowssorted FORMAT 999,999,999,999 HEADING 'Rows Sorted' SELECT distinct m.inst_id, ROUND(d.value/decode((m.value+d.value),0,1, (m.value+d.value))*100)||'%' AS disksortratio ,d.value AS disksorts ,m.value AS memorysorts -- ,r.value AS rowssorted FROM gv$sysstat m ,gv$sysstat d -- ,gv$sysstat r WHERE'sorts (memory)' AND'sorts (disk)' --AND'sorts (rows)' group by m.inst_id, d.value, m.value order by 1 / PROMPT PROMPT PROMPT 4.7 UNDO Segments Wait Ratio PROMPT =============================================================== col rbs FORMAT a22 HEADING 'Rollback Segment' col miss_ratio FORMAT a34 HEADING 'Wait(Miss) Ratio|(If > 1~2%, increase undo segment)' SELECT name AS rbs ,TRUNC(waits/gets*100,2)||'%' AS miss_ratio FROM v$rollstat ,v$rollname WHERE v$rollstat.usn=v$rollname.usn ORDER BY miss_ratio asc / PROMPT PROMPT PROMPT PROMPT =============================================================== PROMPT = 5. Redo Log = PROMPT = 5.1 Redo Log Status = PROMPT = 5.2 Redo Log File Wait (100/Day is good) = PROMPT =============================================================== PROMPT PROMPT PROMPT 5.1 Redo Log Status PROMPT =============================================================== col group# for 999 col mb for 9999 col member for a45 col seq# for 999,999 col status for a8 col arc for a5 col first_change# for 999,999,999,999,999 select, a.member, b.bytes/1024/1024 MB, b.sequence# "SEQ#", b.status, b.archived "ARC", b.first_change# from v$logfile a, v$log b where order by 1,2; PROMPT PROMPT PROMPT 5.2 Redo Log File Wait (100/Day is good) PROMPT =============================================================== PROMPT PROMPT PROMPT - Log File Switch Statistics PROMPT =========================================== col min FORMAT 999,999,999,999 HEADING 'Min/Day' col avg FORMAT 999,999,999,999 HEADING 'Avg/Day' col max FORMAT 999,999,999,999 HEADING 'Max/Day' SELECT MIN(cnt) AS min ,AVG(cnt) AS avg ,MAX(cnt) AS max FROM (SELECT TO_CHAR(first_time,'yyyymmdd') AS day ,COUNT(*) AS cnt FROM v$log_history WHERE thread#=1 AND TO_CHAR(first_time,'yyyymm')=TO_CHAR(sysdate,'yyyymm') GROUP BY TO_CHAR(first_time,'yyyymmdd')) / PROMPT PROMPT PROMPT - Log File Switch Count Per Day PROMPT =========================================== col day for a10 HEADING 'Day/Time'; col 01 for a3 col 02 for a3 col 03 for a3 col 04 for a3 col 05 for a3 col 06 for a3 col 07 for a3 col 08 for a3 col 09 for a3 col 10 for a3 col 11 for a3 col 12 for a3 col 13 for a3 col 14 for a3 col 15 for a3 col 16 for a3 col 17 for a3 col 18 for a3 col 19 for a3 col 20 for a3 col 21 for a3 col 22 for a3 col 23 for a3 SELECT TO_CHAR(first_time,'yyyy-mm-dd') AS day ,TO_CHAR(SUM(DECODE(TO_CHAR(first_time,'HH24'),'00',1,0)),'99') AS "00" ,TO_CHAR(SUM(DECODE(TO_CHAR(first_time,'HH24'),'01',1,0)),'99') AS "01" ,TO_CHAR(SUM(DECODE(TO_CHAR(first_time,'HH24'),'02',1,0)),'99') AS "02" ,TO_CHAR(SUM(DECODE(TO_CHAR(first_time,'HH24'),'03',1,0)),'99') AS "03" ,TO_CHAR(SUM(DECODE(TO_CHAR(first_time,'HH24'),'04',1,0)),'99') AS "04" ,TO_CHAR(SUM(DECODE(TO_CHAR(first_time,'HH24'),'05',1,0)),'99') AS "05" ,TO_CHAR(SUM(DECODE(TO_CHAR(first_time,'HH24'),'06',1,0)),'99') AS "06" ,TO_CHAR(SUM(DECODE(TO_CHAR(first_time,'HH24'),'07',1,0)),'99') AS "07" ,TO_CHAR(SUM(DECODE(TO_CHAR(first_time,'HH24'),'08',1,0)),'99') AS "08" ,TO_CHAR(SUM(DECODE(TO_CHAR(first_time,'HH24'),'09',1,0)),'99') AS "09" ,TO_CHAR(SUM(DECODE(TO_CHAR(first_time,'HH24'),'10',1,0)),'99') AS "10" ,TO_CHAR(SUM(DECODE(TO_CHAR(first_time,'HH24'),'11',1,0)),'99') AS "11" ,TO_CHAR(SUM(DECODE(TO_CHAR(first_time,'HH24'),'12',1,0)),'99') AS "12" ,TO_CHAR(SUM(DECODE(TO_CHAR(first_time,'HH24'),'13',1,0)),'99') AS "13" ,TO_CHAR(SUM(DECODE(TO_CHAR(first_time,'HH24'),'14',1,0)),'99') AS "14" ,TO_CHAR(SUM(DECODE(TO_CHAR(first_time,'HH24'),'15',1,0)),'99') AS "15" ,TO_CHAR(SUM(DECODE(TO_CHAR(first_time,'HH24'),'16',1,0)),'99') AS "16" ,TO_CHAR(SUM(DECODE(TO_CHAR(first_time,'HH24'),'17',1,0)),'99') AS "17" ,TO_CHAR(SUM(DECODE(TO_CHAR(first_time,'HH24'),'18',1,0)),'99') AS "18" ,TO_CHAR(SUM(DECODE(TO_CHAR(first_time,'HH24'),'19',1,0)),'99') AS "19" ,TO_CHAR(SUM(DECODE(TO_CHAR(first_time,'HH24'),'20',1,0)),'99') AS "20" ,TO_CHAR(SUM(DECODE(TO_CHAR(first_time,'HH24'),'21',1,0)),'99') AS "21" ,TO_CHAR(SUM(DECODE(TO_CHAR(first_time,'HH24'),'22',1,0)),'99') AS "22" ,TO_CHAR(SUM(DECODE(TO_CHAR(first_time,'HH24'),'23',1,0)),'99') AS "23" ,COUNT(*) AS "Day Sum" FROM v$log_history WHERE thread#=1 AND TO_CHAR(first_time,'yyyymm')=TO_CHAR(sysdate,'yyyymm') GROUP BY TO_CHAR(first_time,'yyyy-mm-dd') ORDER BY day DESC / PROMPT PROMPT PROMPT - Redo Log Space Requests PROMPT =========================================== col name FORMAT a30 HEADING 'Name' col value for 999,999,999 head 'Value|(Near 0 is good, or Increase LOG_BUFFER)' SELECT 'Redo Log Space Requests' AS name ,value FROM V$SYSSTAT WHERE name = 'redo log space requests' / PROMPT PROMPT PROMPT - Redo History PROMPT =============================================================== col thread# for 99 col size_m for 999,999,999 HEADING 'Size(MB)'; col log_c for 999,999 HEADING 'Log Count'; col log_size for 999,999,999 HEADING 'Log Size(MB)'; select a.thread#,a.log_month as month, a.log_cnt * b.log_size as size_m, a.log_cnt as log_c, b.log_size as log_size from (select THREAD#,to_char(first_time, 'yyyy-mm')log_month, count(*) log_cnt from v$log_history group by thread#,to_char(first_time, 'yyyy-mm')) a, (select thread#, avg(bytes/1048576) log_size from v$log group by thread#) b where a.thread#=b.thread# order by a.log_month / PROMPT PROMPT PROMPT PROMPT =============================================================== PROMPT = 6. Contention = PROMPT = 6.1 Top Wait Event = PROMPT = 6.2 SYSAUX Segmnet Usage = PROMPT =============================================================== PROMPT PROMPT PROMPT 6.1 Top Wait Event PROMPT =============================================================== col event for a55 select event, total_waits, time_waited from gv$session_event where sid = (select sid from v$mystat where rownum = 1) order by 3 desc; PROMPT PROMPT PROMPT 6.2 SYSAUX Segmnet Usage PROMPT =============================================================== col owner for a12 col segment_name for a40 col segment_type for a16 col "Size (MB)" for a12 select owner, segment_name, segment_type, to_char(round(bytes/1024/1024,2),'999,999.99') "Size (MB)" from dba_segments where tablespace_name = 'SYSAUX' and bytes/1024/1024 > 50 order by 4 / PROMPT PROMPT pause ... please press enter key .... PROMPT PROMPT PROMPT =============================================================== PROMPT = 7. RAC Status = PROMPT = 7.1 RAC Average CR Block Receive Time = PROMPT = 7.2 RAC Global Cache Lock Performance = PROMPT = 7.3 RAC Object ping operation check = PROMPT = 7.4 RAC TOP 10 FALSE PINGING OBJECTS = PROMPT =============================================================== PROMPT PROMPT PROMPT 7.1 RAC Average CR Block Receive Time PROMPT =============================================================== prompt set numwidth 20 col INST_ID for 999 column "AVG CR BLOCK RECEIVE TIME (ms)" format 9999999.9 select b1.inst_id, b2.value "GCS CR BLOCKS RECEIVED", b1.value "GCS CR BLOCK RECEIVE TIME", ((b1.value / b2.value) * 10) "AVG CR BLOCK RECEIVE TIME (ms)" from gv$sysstat b1, gv$sysstat b2 where = 'global cache cr block receive time' and = 'global cache cr blocks received' and b1.inst_id = b2.inst_id or = 'gc cr block receive time' and = 'gc cr blocks received' and b1.inst_id = b2.inst_id ; PROMPT PROMPT PROMPT 7.2 RAC Global Cache Lock Performance PROMPT =============================================================== prompt set numwidth 20 set lines 120 column "AVG GLOBAL LOCK GET TIME (ms)" format 9999999.9 select b1.inst_id, (b1.value + b2.value) "GLOBAL LOCK GETS", b3.value "GLOBAL LOCK GET TIME", (b3.value / (b1.value + b2.value) * 10) "AVG GLOBAL LOCK GET TIME (ms)" from gv$sysstat b1, gv$sysstat b2, gv$sysstat b3 where = 'global lock sync gets' and = 'global lock async gets' and = 'global lock get time' and b1.inst_id = b2.inst_id and b2.inst_id = b3.inst_id or = 'global enqueue gets sync' and = 'global enqueue gets async' and = 'global enqueue get time' and b1.inst_id = b2.inst_id and b2.inst_id = b3.inst_id; PROMPT PROMPT PROMPT 7.3 RAC Object ping operation check PROMPT =============================================================== prompt select * from gv$lock_activity; PROMPT PROMPT PROMPT 7.4 RAC TOP 10 FALSE PINGING OBJECTS PROMPT =============================================================== prompt set feedback on set numwidth 8 column name format a20 tru column kind format a10 tru select inst_id, name, kind, file#, status, BLOCKS, READ_PINGS, WRITE_PINGS from (select p.inst_id,, p.kind, p.file#, p.status, count(p.block#) BLOCKS, sum(p.forced_reads) READ_PINGS, sum(p.forced_writes) WRITE_PINGS from gv$false_ping p, gv$datafile df where p.file# = df.file# (+) group by p.inst_id,, p.kind, p.file#, p.status order by sum(p.forced_writes) desc) where rownum < 11 order by WRITE_PINGS desc; set feedback off PROMPT PROMPT PROMPT PROMPT =============================================================== PROMPT = 8. Etc. = PROMPT = 8.1 Alert Log Location = PROMPT = 8.2 Listener Status = PROMPT =============================================================== PROMPT PROMPT PROMPT 8.1 Alert Log Location PROMPT =============================================================== set head off col a_log for a90 HEADING 'Alert Log'; select 'Alert Log Location : '||a.value||'/alert_'||b.instance_name||'.log' as a_log from v$parameter a, v$instance b where ='background_dump_dest' / --windows --select 'Alert Log Location : '||a.value||'\alert_'||b.instance_name||'.log' as a_log --from v$parameter a, v$instance b --where ='background_dump_dest' --/ PROMPT PROMPT PROMPT 8.2 Listener Status PROMPT =============================================================== host lsnrctl status PROMPT PROMPT PROMPT =============================================================== PROMPT = 9. Etc. = PROMPT = 9.1 Online Backup Status (Hot Backup) = PROMPT = 9.2 RMAN Backup Status = PROMPT =============================================================== PROMPT PROMPT PROMPT 9.1 Online Backup Status (Hot Backup) PROMPT =============================================================== set feedback on col STATUS for a10 select file#, status, change#, to_char(TIME,'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') "BACKUP TIME" from v$backup / PROMPT PROMPT PROMPT 9.2 RMAN Backup Status PROMPT =============================================================== col type format a4 col handle format a35 trunc col file# format 9999999 col duration format a9 select decode(BACKUP_TYPE, 'L', 'ARCH', 'D', 'DB', 'I', 'INC', 'Unknown type='||BACKUP_TYPE) TYPE, to_char(a.start_time, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') start_time, to_char(a.elapsed_seconds/60, '99.9')||' Min' DURATION, substr(handle, -35) handle, nvl(d.file#, l.sequence#) file#, nvl(d.blocks, l.blocks) blocks, to_char(a.COMPLETION_TIME, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') end_time from SYS.V_$BACKUP_SET a, SYS.V_$BACKUP_PIECE b, SYS.V_$BACKUP_DATAFILE d, SYS.V_$BACKUP_REDOLOG l where a.start_time between sysdate-1 and sysdate and a.SET_STAMP = b.SET_STAMP and a.SET_STAMP = d.SET_STAMP(+) and a.SET_STAMP = l.SET_STAMP(+) order by start_time, file# / set feedback off PROMPT PROMPT PROMPT Report Completed Time PROMPT =============================================================== set head off col date for a21 HEADING 'Report Completed Time'; select to_char(sysdate,'yyyy-mm-dd HH24:MI:SS') "date" from dual / set head on set feedback on spool off PROMPT PROMPT
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